November 21, 2010

No more sleeping through the night

I suppose those 3 days were a fluke.  Lil man got up wanting to eat both Friday and Saturday nights.  Last night the power went out at least 3 times so we were all awake and uncomforable.

I am tired and ready for bed so I won't sum up the weekend right now, but I do want to mention that putting Rickybear down at night is getting harder.  He keeps rolling onto his belly to play, but he doesn't sleep that way, so he gets frustrated.  Same deal in the morning.  It's cute to lay in bed and watch him.

Tonight was a breeze, though.  He fell asleep on his bouncer and daddy brought him straight to bed when he woke up.  We put him down and I put his nighttime bottle in his mouth.  He promptly removed the bottle, grabbed his frog and put the pacifier part in his mouth, and fell asleep immediately.  He knew exactly what he needed...


  1. Olivia has the giraffe and monkey wubbanubs!

  2. I love them. I thought they were ridiculous before I had a baby, but now I don't think we could manage without them. He won't use a traditional pacifier. He didn't even use the paci on his Wubba at first, his froggy was just his little friend. He loves to chew all over the frog, but it just tickles me so much that he can pick it up and place the paci in his mouth when he wants it. He uses it so much more now that when I tried to just stick it in his mouth myself! =)
