July 30, 2011

Pregnancy Update- 21 weeks

This week we had our big anatomy scan.  Daddy was able to make it to this one so it was rather exciting for both of us.  The baby was measuring perfectly and no issues were detected.  Although the tech could see all the heart valves and such, the baby was a rolly polly so she was unable to get clear pictures of everything the doctor needed.  All this means is that I go back and 8 weeks to have another ultrasound.  That will make 4 ultrasounds this time!  Exciting!

The baby was squished all the way up on my right side, which is kind of weird since I sleep on my left, but apparently it’s very comfy there.  It kept putting it’s hands up by it’s head and I swear it was scratching it’s right ear.  So odd.  It’s little legs stayed tucked up under him/her the entire time we were there.  The baby looked pretty relaxed in there.

Best of all, gender is still a surprise!

My blood pressure was good.  Still no weight gain.  Overall feeling pretty good still.

July 27, 2011

July 25, 2011


Rickybear had spaghetti for the first time over the weekend.  Stripped him down, put on the biggest bib available, put a towel over the highchair, and he went to town. 
WHAT A MESS.  But he loved it, obviously.


July 24, 2011

Morning at the park

Yesterday daddy and I took Rickybear to the park. 
 I hope we can go every other weekend- we all loved it!!

July 23, 2011

Pregnancy Update- 20 weeks

He or she is about the size of a small cantaloupe.

Wow, I hit the halfway point and suddenly I feel very pregnant!  Back pain, check.  Hip pain at night, check.  Waddling, almost there.

Heartburn has been rampant this week no matter what I eat.  I didn't really have heartburn with Ricky, but he popped out with a head full of hair, so I guess that old wives tale might not be true.

No weight gain still.  It feels like a victory every week when I see the scale not move.  And that is not being selfish on my part.  I am eating all of my pregnancy calories and getting great nutrition, but when you are obese to start with, it's normal not gain any weight or to have minimal weight gain.  Since I was eating waaaayyyyyy too many calories before pregnancy, now that I have scaled it back closer to the appropriate amount and have started to get more walking in, it's ok for me to lose some weight.  That being said, my belly is getting bigger and bigger.  If it's this big now, I can't imagine how big I will be in 4 more months!

Big news for this week is that I can feel the baby moving now!  I wasn't sure for awhile, but this week it's very evident.  Nothing I can feel on the outside yet, but I am sure it won't be but a few more weeks for that.

We have the anatomy ultrasound coming up this week and daddy should be able to make it to this one.  We have a very exciting week coming up!

July 22, 2011

Watch this, mommy!

And so it begins...

We always have the bathroom door shut and we have a lock on the toilet lid, but I was in the room with him when this happened.  I was standing at the sink brushing my teeth when I felt something soft brush against my leg.  It took me a moment to realize that we no longer have an inside cat, so it wasn't a kitty cat tail!  Little boy was so very proud of himself!  He drug it all the way out into the hallway before I could catch him.

July 18, 2011

Pregnancy Update- 19 weeks

I just hit week 19 in my pregnancyI am figuring that we will induce this baby early as well (Rickybear was taken 12 days early), so I am thinking that I am halfway finished with this one! 

The baby is the size of an heirloom tomato, in case you were just dying to know.  We showed Rickybear what that looks like when we were at the grocery store this weekend.

Aside from the killer heartburn yesterday, I have been feeling really well!  The morning sickness was much much worse this time- I was getting sick about 4 times a day, but I wasn’t sick nearly as long.  I am still fatigued, but at least I don’t need to nap at my desk during my break anymore.  My hubby, however, needs a nap like every day now.  Perhaps my fatigue transferred over to him.

I am wearing my regular work clothes, but my casual clothes are all maternity.  Obviously I was a big girl before the pregnancy, so most things still fit the same, even though I have lost 9 lbs total so far. 

No cravings so far.  I didn’t have cravings last time, either.  Like last time, however, I am eating cereal like it’s going out of style.  It’s a lot healthier to munch on some Special K when I am hungry than a bowl of ice cream.

My BP is fine so far.  The only health concern is that I have gestational diabetes this time around, which is overwhelming and something I am not used to dealing with at all.  That will be another post altogether.

Bottom line: we are halfway there and doing great!

July 15, 2011

Baby's second softball season

Rickybear was able to go to one of his daddy's softball games on Wednesday.  The field he played at was right next to a little neighborhood water park, so I was somewhat tempted to bail on the game on go play in the cool water, but the lil man and I stuck it out in the heat.

Above is a pic I took in early August last year (abt 2.5 months old) at one of his daddy's softball games.  It was so much easier then!  I just had to keep him under an umbrella and he just laid there, kicking up grass and playing footsie w/ the blanket.  Oh how I miss those easy days!

This is from Wednesday- how much difference a year makes!  He was a handful!  He desperately wanted to play with the other kids, but one of the boys there wouldn't share his toys and Ricky isn't old enough to grasp concepts like that yet, so I had to end up moving 40 feet away from all the other spectators so he would stay calm.  He had a good time exploring and snacking and just taking everything in.  It made his daddy proud that he was there, so that made the trouble worth it.

July 13, 2011


Mwa ha ha!  This is Rickybear after waking up from a nap yesterday evening. 
The hair cracks me up.  He sleeps pretty wildly!

So I made another boo boo this morning in regards to the baby.  Last week I forgot to bring formula to Maw Maw's house when I dropped the baby off, but luckily his daddy was leaving for work right after me and I called him in time to drop it off.  So glad at that moment that we only live 5 minutes from them!  But today, I brought Rickybear in the wrong car seat to drop him off at my mom's.

I have both the infant carrier and the car seat installed in my car.  There's no reason to take the infant seat out since I am going to have a new baby again soon.  Well, Maw Maw has a car seat installed in her car, so I use that on her days, but my mom just got a car seat this week and it isn't installed yet, so we have been using the infant carrier on her days.  Well, oops, I wasn't thinking and just strapped him in his big boy seat and off we went!  It dawned on me 20 minutes later that this was a problem....  So yeah, I made my mom switch cars with me for the day so I wouldn't have to drive back home.  Wow.  At least she didn't seem to mind.   Thanks, mom!  =)

July 12, 2011




Ok, so I finally got around to installing some of the childproofing hardware on the kitchen cabinets.  Hopefully this will cut down on some of my kitchen mess.  It does not, however, cut down the the BANG BANG BANG BANG as my child repeatedly attempts to open up the cabinets!  Oy!

My mistake was not putting them on the drawers, as well.  He can -just- barely reach them, but ow that he cannot open the cabinets, he rolls out the drawers, even if he can't reach what is inside of them.  Sneaky boy!

He'll just find something else to get into now...

July 10, 2011

What?? I didn't do anything....


I am getting so very frustrated with the state of my house.  It feels like I never have enough time/energy/patience to do all the housework that needs to be done and still have some "me" time.  I know that once you have a baby, your needs become a distant memory, but sometimes it's just not fair to have baby in tow for everything I do.  I can't easily unload the dishwasher because he wants to crawl in and play.  I can't easily do laundry because he unfolds everything I try to fold.  I can't easily cook because he locks me in the pantry and opens every cabinet.  Plus, I feel guilty that I am not spending every little moment I have playing with him.  Even now he is yanking on my power plug, wanting my attention.  But instead, I shooed him away and so he playing with the spoon I used to eat my cereal.  *sigh*

I honestly feel like I am doing the best I can.  I don't like tossing him in the crib for an hour so I can do chores and he rarely naps in the evening anymore.  That takes away from mommy/baby time that I feel like I don't get enough of anyway.

Well, the kitchen is an absolute wreck, so after I change Rickybear's dirty tush and clean him up from breakfast, I will try to unload and load the dishwasher.  Want to take bets on how long that will take me?

July 9, 2011

In case anyone reads this that isn't on my facebook....

As you can see, Rickybear is thrilled.  =P

A new baby brother or sister is due in December!

July 8, 2011

Water baby

I am jealous of how much my baby gets to play in the pool.  My parents have a gorgeous pool that I don't use nearly enough.  The baby loves floating in the big pool, but he also loves his baby pool.  He has one at our house at each house he stays at during the day.

This is my mom's dog.  His name is Jake and he is super protective of the family, including my little man.  He looks massive, right??  But Ricky loves him.  Oh, and no worries about the doggie climbing in the pool and knocking him over- Jake is terrified of water!

July 7, 2011

Nom nom

Rickybear doesn't really like many of the teething toys I got for him, but he LOVES to chew on his stuffed animals.  Anything that has a nose is fair game, but he particularly likes Pooh, Tigger, and Mickey Mouse.  He will walk around all day with a stuffed animal nose in his mouth.  I love it, lol!

In this instance, he went for the tail.  I'm just glad he didn't choke on it while he slept.  Good grief!

July 6, 2011

Daddy and Baby

We keep Rickybear up later than most babies his age because his daddy come homes so late from work right now.  When the alarm chimes that the back door has opened, Rickybear jumps up and runs towards the door, no matter what he had been doing or playing with before.  I think this time while daddy changes out of his work clothes and gets ready to eat is the best time of both of their days.  They love to play play play!

This one was taken last night.