July 10, 2011

What?? I didn't do anything....


I am getting so very frustrated with the state of my house.  It feels like I never have enough time/energy/patience to do all the housework that needs to be done and still have some "me" time.  I know that once you have a baby, your needs become a distant memory, but sometimes it's just not fair to have baby in tow for everything I do.  I can't easily unload the dishwasher because he wants to crawl in and play.  I can't easily do laundry because he unfolds everything I try to fold.  I can't easily cook because he locks me in the pantry and opens every cabinet.  Plus, I feel guilty that I am not spending every little moment I have playing with him.  Even now he is yanking on my power plug, wanting my attention.  But instead, I shooed him away and so he playing with the spoon I used to eat my cereal.  *sigh*

I honestly feel like I am doing the best I can.  I don't like tossing him in the crib for an hour so I can do chores and he rarely naps in the evening anymore.  That takes away from mommy/baby time that I feel like I don't get enough of anyway.

Well, the kitchen is an absolute wreck, so after I change Rickybear's dirty tush and clean him up from breakfast, I will try to unload and load the dishwasher.  Want to take bets on how long that will take me?

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