August 29, 2011

15 month update

Rickybear had his 15 month checkup this week.  That child couldn’t even sit still in the waiting room.  As soon as I set him down he took off running down the hall.  I was happy when we got into a room simply because he couldn’t escape!  The visit went great.  The doctor thought he looked really good and loved his personality.  When we went down the checklist, the first thing I marked “no” that he couldn’t do was wave bye-bye.  She turned to me and asked incredulously, “He can’t wave bye-bye?!?!” and Ricky shot her the meanest face… like “What’s it to you, lady?!?!?” ….  It was hysterical!

My little boy grew!  He now weighs 20lb 4 oz (up ½ a pound in 3 months), is 30 inches tall (up 1 ¼ inches in 3 months!!) and his head circumference is 18 ½ (no change).

He is still in size 3 diapers.  He mainly sleeps through the night, except when he is teething.  He is a wild sleeper, tossing and flinging and sleeping in all corners of the crib before the night is over. 

He babbles constantly.

He still takes usually 2 naps during the week, but I can barely get him to take one when he is home with me on the weekends.

Eating out is impossible now.  He can’t sit still for more than 10 minutes at a time before he wants to get up and explore.

He tried to color for the first time over the weekend.  He ate part of the crayon, but he also seemed to really like trying to color.  I read an article about how great coloring is for his development just this morning, so I will start working on him with it more often.  One suggestion was to tape some paper onto his high chair and let him go at it.  That way he can’t color where he shouldn’t and the paper won’t get away from him.

He likes to put toys in boxes and take them back out.  He likes the stacking rings a lot, even if he can’t put them on in the correct orders.  He likes to flip the pages in books and will bring then to me to read.

He likes to use me as a step to crawl up onto the couch, only to wiggle back down and then crawl up again.

He can easily run FULL SPEED.

On Saturday we went to his cousin’s soccer games.  His little 4 year old cousin let him play with her soccer ball.  He loved it.  He wanted to play with the bigger kids, but he grabbed her ball and took off.  He looked so sporty- I loved it.  I wish it hadn’t been so hot, though.  The poor thing got so overheated, even while drinking tons of water.  I don’t know how those kids and play out there!

On Sunday we went over to Nana’s house to go swimming.  Although he still loves the pool, Ricky would much rather be splashing around himself and gets bored quickly in the floatie.  It was still a fun time.  We let him run around the backyard after that and he found a water hose.  Grandpa turned on the water and Ricky ran around with the hose for at least 20 minutes before I made him stop.  He turned the backyard into a muddy mess, lol. 

He napped when we got home, but afterwards daddy took him outside while he set up the sprinklers to water the yard.  I never should have let that child go outside.  As soon as daddy started the water, the kid made a bee line to the sprinkler.  He had a blast.  I am surprised that kid doesn’t have gills.  But yeah, this confirms that he is no longer scared of the sprinkler… at all!  Then of course I had to drag him inside and give him a bath.  *sigh*

Ricky has rediscovered Scout.  Scout is possessed.  He starts randomly without being touched and I think he has a short in him because he will play the same few notes over and over about 50 times and I can’t get him to stop.  I need to see if he needs new batteries or if I just need to hook him up to the computer and reprogram him.  Ever since Ricky found him in a tote in the spare room, they have been inseparable.  The good news is that when my baby woke up at 4am crying, he ended up playing with Scout for a few minutes and went right back to sleep.  Score! 

1 comment:

  1. Besides the fact my child is *huge* compared to Ricky (Joey is over 25 lbs now... enjoy your light child!), he can't wave bye-bye either. I thought Joey was the only one! Whew :)

    And Scout IS possessed! Agreed! Sometimes ours will play the bedtime songs then do a single note hum... we have to change the batteries frequently, but Joey loves his Scout!
