November 22, 2011


Rickybear is a great kid.  He is healthy, bright, agile, happy, clever, eats well, sleeps well…. until some teeth decide to make an appearance.  We have been putting him down for bed around 8pm every night and he has been waking up around 10pm inconsolable.  At that point he comes into our bed because I can’t stand to let him lay there and cry.  Last night it took an hour to stop the tears, even with the Tylenol and rubbing his back.  I checked his mouth and some molars has popped through on the top left side were there that weren’t there when I checked him on Saturday.  This makes tooth # 10.  I resorted to the Orajel, which he HATES (and made him cry even louder for about 10 minutes), but I think that it eventually numbed him enough to let him pass off to dreamland.

Right now Ricky’s favorite things are rough-housing with daddy, breaking (I mean playing with…) eyeglasses, pulling on blind cords (danger!), running in circles in the backyard, throwing a ball, climbing up onto the couch all by himself, stealing the remote control, holding the phone up to his ear and talking into it (even when no one else is on the line), swinging outside, and playing at the park.  He is still a huge fan of bath time, too.

He has also started with the “terrible twos” tantrums.  It’s hard not to laugh sometimes because he will just collapse on the floor and wail if he can’t get what he wants.  To be honest, sometimes it’s amusing and sometimes it’s terribly annoying, but it’s just the age where he is right now.  He is learning and growing and although his vocabulary is great for an almost 18-month old, he still can’t communicate like he wants to.  If that’s the only way to express himself, then that’s all he can do. 

As for the picture- don't worry, he was over it in another minute.  I think I wouldn't let him play with a fork before this meltdown.


  1. Omg girl I know the feeling. Owen cut the 2 bottom teeth next to the front 2 bottom ones.. and all 4 molars. He now has 12 teeth.

  2. Oh wow, you have us beat! I am just glad babies have short memories for things like this!

  3. Yeah it was a rough month for us. I'm glad that its behind us. Now we wait for his canine teeth. By the way I hag created a blog when I was pregnant with Owen and I've never done anything with it... How can I change the blog name since now we will be 6?
