December 15, 2010

Like most babies, my child is more perceptive than I give him credit. 

For example: I can leave him sitting on top of the bed with the remote control several feet away from him, but by the time I come back to the room, he has it in his hand!  And he is still sitting where I left him!  SNEAKY!  He certainly is his daddy’s child- he has become very skilled at changing the channel for us (well, as skilled as a 6 month old can be since he can’t read the buttons and only hits or chews on them because some of them light up…).  It’s a wonder he can get much practice because daddy never lets the remote out of his hand!  =)   (Love you, honey!)

So what else is fun to play with that a baby shouldn’t have?  The cell phones, of course!  But they light up and make cool noises and sometimes my mommy/daddy/grandparents’ voices come out of them and talk to him even though he can’t see them in the room with him!  How cool is that?!

So yeah, I thought a two year old would be into these things, but not my sweet, angelic 6 month old. 

Dear Santa, please give my child his own remote control and/or cell phone for Christmas…

And yes, he is texting here…

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