March 29, 2011

Spoons are yummy...

Boogie had a pretty full weekend.  We sat outside on Saturday under a shade tree and played while daddy slaved away doing yard work and other outside chores.  (Side note: My child screams like I am torturing him when I put sunscreen on him.  Huge tears rolling down his sweet cheeks.  Good grief!)  The neighbors came home and saw us outside, so they brought their lil girl over to play.  I had a very nice time.  I hope I can upload some pics from that day soon.  (Another side note: It's such a pain to upload pictures.  If I try to work on my laptop when Rickybear is awake, he is constantly trying to yank it out of my lap and play on it, plus I don't like ignoring him.  I can't really do it while he is taking a nap, either, because that's when I work on the ever-growing pile of laundry or start making dinner.  And after hubby gets home?  Forget it!  Once I get him fed and the baby put to bed, I am ready for bed myself.  *sigh*)

That night we went over to Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house for dinner.  Rickybear's cousins were there and so he got to play a bunch with them.  What was cute (and not so cute at all) was when his 4 yr old cousin saw him eating some banana pieces, she asked Paw Paw for a banana.  They thought she wouldn't eat it all so they only gave her half a banana, which she immediately put on Rickybear's tray so he could have it.  Of course he grabbed the entire thing and tried to shove it in his mouth.  Oy!  And he was so mad when I took it away to cut the rest of it up for him.  If I have failed to mention it before, my son is as stubborn as they come and he already has a temper.  I can't wait for the terrible twos!

On Sunday we went to see my folks.  Hubby was finishing up some work he was doing in my dad's garage while I visited with my parents and prepared the sides to go with the boiled crawfish we had.  It was the first time I had crawfish this season and they were super yummy.  And my favorite part of having boiled crawfish?  The leftovers!  Last night I made some crawfish/mushroom/sausage alfredo pasta.  Yum! 

This was the only picture that I had that was on a cell phone that required no effort to upload, so here you go.  And I am actually in this one!  Yay!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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