Yesterday evening Rickybear's lungs got a really nice workout! He napped in the swing and when he woke up he started crying. Not a cranky cry, but an "I'm in pain" cry. Uh oh...
I get him up and I change his diaper, but he is being really difficult. I touch his belly and it's rock hard and he won't let me massage it or anything helpful. He hasn't had a gas problem since he was little, but here it is, rearing it's ugly head.
Long story short- after two doses of gas drops, a tiny dose of Tylenol, some teething tablets, and some Orajel (he was gnawing on his crib like crazy so I didn't know definitively if it was gas alone or gas and teething), forty minutes had passed and he was still screaming. No amount of quiet time, cuddling, or talking to people on speakerphone (usually his favorite thing to do) would soothe him. So I scooped him up, covered him with 3 blankets and a skullcap, and strapped him into the stroller along with Scout. All you could see were his eyeballs! I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I walked up and down my driveway (in my pajamas and fuzzy slippers) for over 30 minutes. He was quiet, but not asleep.
I brought him inside at 8:30 pm and daddy came home about 2 mins later. He was an entirely new baby for daddy. The gas drops finally worked (a little too well!) and he was super happy an energetic. *sigh* Why is it that the baby never has a meltdown on daddy's watch???
I am looking forward to hanging out with him this weekend. Hopefully we can play in the freshly cut grass (hint, hint, daddy!).
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