March 28, 2011

Just don't tell him that it's pink...

This pic was taken last week when Boogie went to story time at the library.  This time he was super distracted because there were a bunch of elementary-aged home-schooled kids that were running around and he was too busy staring at them to read his own books.  I am pretty disappointed that story time will be discontinued in a few weeks.  It'll come back, of course, but I know that mom (and Ricky??) really seem to enjoy the outings.  I also like that he is getting in the habit or reading books.  I know his Maw Maw reads to him as well.

Anyway, he really seemed to like the baby chair.  I am thinking about looking for one to get him now (like the sofa type, not necessarily a rocking chair), but the ones I have seen are super expensive and not in my budget.  Does anyone have any suggestions?


  1. There is totally nothing wrong with sitting in a pink chair. After all, no one would think twice about a girl sitting in a blue chair!

    I'm tempted to get my little man a little couch too, but have yet to find any for under $100 either. *sigh*

  2. True, true.

    I found a Pooh chair from Walmart that looks really nice, but I am not confident how easy it would be to clean, despite how well it would match with our house. I am going to get a *bright* one that rocks, also from Walmart. I will post a pic soon.
