March 3, 2011

9 month doctor visit

Rickybear had his 9 month appointment on Tuesday.  I really like our pedi and I appreciate how much individual time she gives us.  She really listens to my concerns and I am so glad that we switched to her (even though we had no problems whatsoever with the other pedi we had). 

She confirmed that my baby is probably going to be a little guy.  He was 26.25 inches (around 1 or 2%), 17 lbs 6 oz (also under 5%), and his head was 17.75 inches (10%).  She had me run through how much I feed him and how much formula and she said he was a fantastic eater, but he might just be small.  Since developmentally (his skill level) he was at 12 months, she wasn't too concerned and thinks he might have a growth spurt coming.  She said he won't be a 6 foot tall man, though.  Once he hits 2 yrs old she might be able to predict how tall he will be based on the charts she has.  She likes how strong he was.  [By the way, I didn't realize until I updated the stats page that he weighed exactly the same at nine months as he was at eight months... but he wasn't mobile a month ago so he is burning up calories like crazy now.]
The doctor thought he was too cute.  Breathing and belly were great.  She felt around his mouth and said his second front bottom tooth also cut through (probably Mon night or Tues morning) since it was just barely there).  He doesn't have to go back for another appointment until 12 months.  There will be a lot of shots at that appointment, so I changed it from May 27 to May 31 since I don't want him to have a good time on his birthday party day.  We didn't think we had any shots at this appointment, but once we were almost all the way back home, I received a phone call saying there was an error and he actually did need one.  *sigh*  I am glad they called, though, because I would rather have turned around and gone back to get it than have to take more time off of work.  By the time I got back there, Rickybear was asleep so we gave it to him while he was sleeping.  What a terrible way to wake up!  But after it was over, he let out two cries, grabbed the bottle, and fell back asleep.

We walked with neighbor and her 14 month old baby girl when we got home and then had a little play date.  While over there, he had another milestone.  He was playing with a toy when his playmate stepped in between him and the toy.  He leaned back out of her way and he stood for 16 seconds without support.  The neighbor and I both had our arms outstretched on all sides of him in case he crashed, lol.  It was too cute and I was very proud.  When we got home he went down for a nap, but woke up after 35 mins and didn't stop wailing after that.  He was SO UPSET and I couldn't get him to stop screaming, but it was the effects of the vaccine.  He was better when daddy got home and he had some Tylenol in him.  I put him to bed almost right after daddy got home and he slept like a rock all night.  All smiles the next morning.

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