July 30, 2011

Pregnancy Update- 21 weeks

This week we had our big anatomy scan.  Daddy was able to make it to this one so it was rather exciting for both of us.  The baby was measuring perfectly and no issues were detected.  Although the tech could see all the heart valves and such, the baby was a rolly polly so she was unable to get clear pictures of everything the doctor needed.  All this means is that I go back and 8 weeks to have another ultrasound.  That will make 4 ultrasounds this time!  Exciting!

The baby was squished all the way up on my right side, which is kind of weird since I sleep on my left, but apparently it’s very comfy there.  It kept putting it’s hands up by it’s head and I swear it was scratching it’s right ear.  So odd.  It’s little legs stayed tucked up under him/her the entire time we were there.  The baby looked pretty relaxed in there.

Best of all, gender is still a surprise!

My blood pressure was good.  Still no weight gain.  Overall feeling pretty good still.

1 comment:

  1. I will update with pic when I get home from vacation!
