July 15, 2011

Baby's second softball season

Rickybear was able to go to one of his daddy's softball games on Wednesday.  The field he played at was right next to a little neighborhood water park, so I was somewhat tempted to bail on the game on go play in the cool water, but the lil man and I stuck it out in the heat.

Above is a pic I took in early August last year (abt 2.5 months old) at one of his daddy's softball games.  It was so much easier then!  I just had to keep him under an umbrella and he just laid there, kicking up grass and playing footsie w/ the blanket.  Oh how I miss those easy days!

This is from Wednesday- how much difference a year makes!  He was a handful!  He desperately wanted to play with the other kids, but one of the boys there wouldn't share his toys and Ricky isn't old enough to grasp concepts like that yet, so I had to end up moving 40 feet away from all the other spectators so he would stay calm.  He had a good time exploring and snacking and just taking everything in.  It made his daddy proud that he was there, so that made the trouble worth it.

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