Little boy loves eating finger foods now. Granted, he has only eaten Mum Mums and Gerber puffs up until this weekend. Twice now he has eaten bananas pieces (I broke them up way smaller after the picture was taken) and he LOVED them. It’s such a small thing, but I am so proud that he can do it by himself. He is so sticky and gross afterwards that he needs a full-body wipedown, though. He also knows how to tip the bottle back when he wants to drink. He is unbalanced and doesn’t hold it there for long, but it’s still progress.
I think I am going to steam some yellow squash tonight and see if he can eat them as finger foods. I peel the skin off so it shouldn’t be hard for him to digest. I don’t know how well I can store diced veggies in the fridge with the tupperware I have. I will have to experiment and see how that goes…

Some of the steamed veggies you can actually freeze whole and then pull out what you need. It's what I do with butternut squash. Matilda isn't quite to eating finger foods yet but will be soon I imagine!