December 22, 2010


My commentary is unrelated to the picture, but I just had to post it.  He's too fun!


On Tuesday night I had to cook some steaks I had thawed out or toss them in the trash, so after working overtime, I ran come and threw together a casserole and started heating the charcoal for the grill.  Then I had to go pick up the lil bear while the food cooked and the coals were getting hot.  We got home and I had to put the steaks on, so Rickybear was just going to have to play by himself for awhile.  He is not good at playing by himself.  He likes to be in our sight at all times.  The upside of having our parents keep him every day is that he gets all the attention he could ever need; the downside is that he is never alone and he doesn't like to play by himself. 


Thank goodness we have been practicing some solitary playtime because I had to set him up in the pack ‘n play with some musical toys and stuffed animals and head back outside.  I had the grill on the back patio and pulled the blinds up all the way so I could still see him.  OMG he played for nearly half an hour before he got fussy... SUCCESS!  I was pretty proud of him for being so good.

And since I know you are dying to know how the steaks turned out… they were good DESPITE the fact that I cooked them.  Apparently I didn’t have enough coals because they lost heat really fast and I had to cook them for what seemed like forever, but they weren’t too dry.  Hey, I stopped grilling when I started dating my husband.  And it was dark outside.  And… yeah, I am just not that good at grilling.  What can I say? 

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