Rickybear had his 6 month appointment on Monday. It was sooo hot in the waiting room and he was a bit hungry and fussy when finally made it to the exam room. By the time they got around to taking his temperature he was a screaming, crying mess. They did the forehead scan twice and it was 101.5 both times. The pedi was concerned because it also looked like he had hives on his chest and face. I had just thought that his eczema was acting up, but apparently his eczema had flared and he had hives in addition to that.
Since it didn't happen right after we tried solids, the doctor said it wasn't a reaction from that. She was worried it was the early stages of strep, so they swabbed him, but he was negative. They took his temp again and it was 99.0 a few minutes later. I think it had gotten high because it was so hot in there and he was also upset about the exam. Either way, the doctor didn't feel comfortable giving him his shots if he wasn't feeling well, so I will have to come back after 3 days of no temperature. Mommy ended up getting her flu shot there and baby got away with none!
I want to have them recheck his length when we go back because he is measuring so so tiny. His weight is 15lb 10oz (16th %), his length is 24.5 in (2%), and his head circ is 17.25 in (49%). I did several growth calculators online and each gave a slightly different percentage, but overall these percentages seem pretty accurate. I can't believe he is that small, though. I feed him nutritious formula and let him eat till his little heart is content. We didn't really discuss his numbers since she was more concerned with him possibly being sick, but I want to make sure everything is on track.
Oh! We discovered something when filling out the developmental checklist at the doctor's office as well. We had to wave a napkin in front of the baby to get his attention and once he was looking at it we dropped it. I thought he would just keep looking at my hand, but to my surprise he looked down to see where it went. I didn't expect that at all! He apparently developed a sense of object permanence when I wasn't looking! Overall, she said he was advanced as far as development is concerned. I am so proud of my lil man!
I was given a prescription for some medicated lotion for his skin and for baby vitamins. I also got a new... um... tushie thermometer since it seems to be more accurate than the forehead scan ones. I was supposed to monitor him closely last night but when I checked he was cool and his temp was 97.9 degrees. I added the lotion and the vitamins to his nighttime routine and he did fine. He had some avocado, finished off a bottle, and passed out. He woke at midnight but I turned on his seahorse and drifted right back off to sleep without a feeding. Sweet boy.
I hope he feels better today!
Poor sweet boy! Hope he feels better too!