I love watching this kid grow and learn. He surprises me every day. Since Richard and I both work overtime right now, Rickybear is spending more time with his grandparents during the week and less time with us. He is still receiving tons of love and attention, but we sure do miss him during the day. We cherish every second we have with him when he is with us. Even though the laundry might need to be folded or the pans might need to be washed when we get home, I always make sure that we spend plenty of quality time with him.
Richard usually has play time with the baby while I cook dinner, but while Richard eats it’s my turn. Last night we were sitting on the floor and I was trying to feed him some avocado, but he was more interested in playing. Whereas it used to be a struggle to get him to open his mouth for the spoon, he has gotten the hang of it now. I know it’s such a basic thing, but it makes me so proud.
When he was finished eating, we practiced standing up. Well, even if I am not a willing participant, he will yank on me and try to pull up on my shirt by himself. But I place my hands out in front of me with my palms up and he will latch on and pull up to standing, then we do the “boogie dance” until his legs get tired and he sits back down. He rests for barely 30 seconds then he is good to go again, shrieking and dancing and giggling. So fun! He just needs me to anchor him- I don’t have to help pull him up or anything.
After we are all finished playing, he gets “nighttime ready”, but we have recently added watching the fish swim and reading a short story into the mix. We are reading a book with 365 short stories that my mother gave me that she used to me when I was a baby. I want to start a routine he can look forward to and rely on. Also, it’s a nice time for Richard and I to spend some quality time together instead of just watching tv or doing chores until I head to bed.