December 11, 2011

Pregnancy Update- Week 39

I had a doctor appointment on Wednesday 11/30/11.  It took two hours to be seen, but there were 3 other pregnant ladies in the waiting room who were at all different stages of pregnancy, but they were all teachers in three different school districts.  It was really neat hearing their different experiences.  We were all pregnant with our second child.

Once I got back to the doctor, I was checked and at 2cm dilated.  Whoo hoo!  Still no contractions at that point, so we decided to set up an induction date for the following Tuesday 12/06/11 in case I didn't go on my own before then.  I liked the idea of induction this time around since I knew what to expect and really wanted my doctor to be the one to deliver me since she was so calm and reassuring last time, and since she was able to turn Rickybear (who was sunny-side up) during the delivery.  With the gestational diabetes, I wanted to make sure the baby wasn't going to be too large to deliver naturally.

Overall, I was feeling good.  A little more heartburn, but I was feeling pretty energetic.  Hip pain wasn't very bad.  Back pain wasn't too bad.  I was feeling pretty ready for it all to be over with, even if I was getting more and more nervous about the delivery itself.  Little did I know that I wouldn't make it to my induction date.

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