I am enjoying day 3 of my 4-day weekend. Hopefully we can get a few Christmas decorations up and finish packing my hospital bag and delivery room bag. It is all becoming very real now. I am officially full term now so the baby can come any time. I have never had contractions that weren't medically induced, so I am not really sure how all that works and if I will even know what to do. It's a little nerve-wracking, honestly.
My doctor appointment on Tuesday went really well. I was one pound down from the week before (after days of Thanksgiving deliciousness, I am not expecting the scale to be as kind). My blood pressure was good. The baby's heartrate was fine. I am still feeling good movement, although it's more of just a shifting now than actual kicking. The baby is still in the right position. I was 1cm dilated. I have also never been dilated before without medical intervention, so that's pretty cool. Hopefully that's a sign that even if I am induced again, that labor won't be 25 hours long.
I am still getting around pretty well, but it's hard to get up off the couch and up from the bed, lol. I need a little help sometimes. Even with all the Thanksgiving goodies, I am still not very swollen. I feel like the baby has dropped. My stomach looks lower and I am feeling more pressure in my pelvis. Surprisingly, my energy level is still pretty decent, even running after a baby and picking up toys all day long. Thank goodness I have a desk job.
I am pretty much caught up on my work. I am finishing up with the house. I turned in my FMLA paperwork, so I am pretty much all official. I am just waiting for the inevitable. Hope my water doesn't break sitting at my desk at work! =)
wow you are so close to the end! i gave birth to my little girl at 38 weeks :) hope you are staying nice and comfortable!
I am ready! Thanks for the encouragement!