This is his typical high chair pose- I love it! He is such a ham nowadays and he loves to pose for pictures.
On another note... he slept 12 hours last night! He fell asleep on the ride home from picking him up yesterday evening. When I got home a little after 6p, he was trembling when I unstrapped him from his carseat, so I laid him down to finish his nap. I never let him nap past 7p, but he was out cold when I went to get him up. At 8p, he yelled at me, flopped over, and stuck his butt up in the air. At 9p, I gave up. I made a bottle and changed him while he was still half asleep, kissed his forehead, and laid him back down. I missed playing with him, but he obviously needed his rest. He woke up bright eyed and bushy-tailed a little after 6:15a. He told me "hi" as soon as he got up, "light" when I turned on the lamp, and "ball" as he lunged for the big yoga ball when I was try to change his tush! He brightens my day.
I really hope I get to see some more of him tonight!!
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