This week my baby is the size of an ear of corn.
This baby is still very active in there. If this fetus had been my first, I would have been freaking out when I had Ricky. My placenta was I guess anterior with Ricky and I NEVER felt him move. The doctor said that any movement would be buffered like the baby was hitting a pillow first. I felt him once every few days or when he had the hiccups. I feel this baby squirming around several times a day. It’s so reassuring. Of course, I still worry when it’s been a few hours since I have felt him/her, but that’s just normal anxiety about it’s safety. It’s hard to know that I can do as much as I can to be healthy and safe, but there is still so much that is out of our control as a mom.
The swelling I was having in my legs has gone down a bit- maybe because I am chugging insane amounts of water and fluids. My blood sugar has been higher this week even though my eating habits haven’t really changed for the worse, so I really need to buckle down and eat mainly protein and as few carbs as possible. I really want to sit and eat a whole pineapple, but as it is, I can only have a piece or two when giving it to Ricky or else my sugars will skyrocket. This is normally the time (24-28 weeks) when they send preggos to have their gestational diabetes testing. I guess I won’t have to go again since they already know I have it. This time last pregnancy I had to have the 1 hour glucose test and I passed with flying colors. *sigh*
I finally cleared out the guest bedroom, which will eventually be the playroom. I think this is also where the toddler bed will go. I don’t think this is nesting. I think it’s just trying to make sure I am not completely unprepared when the new baby comes. We also need to buckle down and buy a changing table, which we didn’t have with Ricky. Two babies in diapers means more diapers and more supplies to be stored… somewhere.
I am more tired this week, but that could be because of Ricky not sleeping so well for a little over a week now. Also, baby # 2 wants to make sure that my bladder is functioning properly… so EVERY HOUR at night I am waking up to make a trip to the bathroom. I don’t remember starting this routine so early last time, but maybe I did. Super fun.
I have a regular OB appointment this afternoon. It’ll pretty much just be a step on the scale, take my blood pressure, and listen to the heartbeat appointment. I don’t really have any questions right now. In another 4 weeks I will go back for another anatomy scan, so that’ll be more exciting.
I think that’s it for this week. I need to go fax my weekly glucose chart to my doctor now!
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