November 28, 2010
Dear Rickybear, you are six months old!
You are the most exciting little ball of energy right now. No really, you keep going and going even when you are exhausted and just need to nap. You don't want to miss a thing.
You are wearing size 6 month clothes. You never wear shoes, but if you did, you would have on size 2s.
You wear size 2 diapers. You wear Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive when mommy changes you. Nana uses Huggies and MawMaw uses Luvs.
You have no teeth yet.
In the morning you wake around 5am. Mommy changes you and loads you into the car seat and you are out of the door by 5:15am to see MawMaw or Nana. Lately, due to working late, mommy has been picking you up around 7:30p during the week. That gives us an hour to PLAY PLAY PLAY until you drop. Daddy usually makes it home by this time, so we get you "nighttime ready", which means you get changed into Pampers Dry Max, get massaged with some Johnson's Bedtime Lotion, and bundled into a cute little footed sleeper (who knew mommy would love those silly things so much?!?!). You get your nighttime bottle which is 3 oz of Similac Advanced with 3 oz of Enfamil A.R. and are tucked into the Pack N Play by mommy's side of the bed. You are always tucked in with your froggy, your Pooh blankie, and your seahorse. You usually wake up at 2am for another 4 oz bottle.
You eat anywhere from 4 oz to 7 oz at a time. You eat about 28 oz total a day. You prefer Similac to any other formula. I know this because you have a lot less spit up with that formula. You can hold your own bottle now and, with concentration, can put it in and take it out of your mouth.
Your favorite things to do are to JUMP JUMP JUMP either in the rainforest jumper or your doorway bouncer. Even when we stand you up on your feet you bend and straighten your legs and try to jump.
When you are sitting on your tush, if we hold your hands you can pull yourself up onto your feet.
You are very vocal and screech like hawk.
You reach to get your toys and to nearly break your neck trying to find the tv in a room.
You love watching football with your daddy.
You like to grab noses and ears and cheeks and hair.
You still like to lay back with your hands clasped behind your head.
You like to pet the cat when she comes close enough to you.
You seem to always be waiting for us to make you laugh. You are quick to give us a giggle.
You love the giggling babydoll at MawMaw's house... you love to laugh with her.
You do not like naptime at all.
You can reach and grab for toys.
You have started to drop/throw your toys, maybe to see if we will pick them up for you?
You can sit unassisted.
Mommy and daddy are very proud of you and can't wait to see what you can do next!
6 months,
dear Rickybear
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