September 29, 2011

Pregnancy Update- Weeks 28 & 29

Me and my mom on my 28th birthday- 28 weeks pregnant

I know, bad Lauren.  I never got around to updating last week, so they are being lumped into one entry.

I hit a milestone- I now go in every 2 weeks for baby checkups!  It’s nerve-wracking to wait so long in between visits for me.

We had an ultrasound at this last appointment.  It was part 2 of the anatomy scan since they couldn’t get some essential pictures last time.  Since the baby is so much bigger now, they couldn’t any good profile or face shots.  Typical.  They still couldn’t see the heart like they wanted to, but they were able to get some curve they needed plus the pic of where the umbilical cord connects to the body. 

The heart beat was in the 140s and strong.

Based on head and femur (and some other part that I can’t recall right now) measurements, the baby is in the 70% percentile.  My doctor was fine with that.  It was really important to know at this stage due to my gestational diabetes, which causes abnormally large babies if not kept under control.  Although larger, the baby wasn’t large enough at this point to cause concern.  She will scan me again around 36 weeks to see if we need to have a section or try for a vaginal birth.  Right now the baby is a little over 3 pounds in weight.

In other news, I lost 4 or 5 pounds since the past month.  I think I have gained it all back since then, but I was still surprised when I stepped on the scale.  My blood pressure was higher than normal, but still well within the normal range (my BP is usually a little low).

My back still hurts, I am getting tired more easily, and my feet hurt.  Happy happy, joy joy.  I can’t wait until I get to the point where it’s too hard to push around a grocery cart and I have to call my mom to help me grocery shop, lol.

And since you are dying to know, the baby is the size of a butternut squash (yum!) this week.

September 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Notice that he is far more interested in the cat toy than the cat is...

September 26, 2011

Not related to the post, but this is a pic from the library on Friday.

We had a fun weekend with lots of family time (and football games...).

Little man has a scrape on his knee from tripping on the driveway, but he didn’t even flinch when it happened.  He did have a mishap on Saturday, though, that made me want to sit on the floor and cry…  Rickybear was on the swing outside with his daddy after eating lunch.  He fell asleep, and when he woke up, Richard could tell right away that something was wrong.  He immediately got him out of the swing, but it was too late- Rickybear was motion sick.  Richard knocked on the back door to get my attention and I came to it just in time to see the baby throwing up all over him.  He looked so scared and he had his little hand up by his mouth and it just kept coming and coming.  And then he started crying.  OMG I wanted to cry with him.  When he was done, I grabbed him and got him into the kitchen sink as quickly as possible and sprayed him down.  THEN I got his clothes and diaper off, lol.  He calmed down a bit because he LOVES a bath, but he was upset again as soon as it was over.  I put him in his pajamas and just snuggled with him on the couch.  He never lets me snuggle him nowadays, but he was still kinda shaking and he made no effort to get up out of my arms.  I tried not to feed him right away, but he was really hungry, so I made him some warm toddler formula and he was good to go.  He forgot about it soon after, but I won’t be forgetting that for a long time.

In other news, I think I praise my child too much.  We keep the new slide inside the house and have been storing it in the guest room, so we pulled it into the living room on Sunday so lil man could play.  He is too much of a daredevil to leave it out all the time.  He loves that thing- it’s too cute!  After he slid down the first time, he clapped and yelled “you did it!” Richard and I could both understand what he said.  It was hysterical, but he was right, he did it!  He repeated it over and over. 

Here is a list of words he seems to be able to say:

You did it
Beep beep

I think he said "kitty" yesterday and I am pretty sure I heard a "no" on Saturday… so I will have to watch that one!!

September 21, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

This new little toy has a rock wall to climb up and a slide to go down, but he prefers to go up and down the slide only.  He learned how to do it so quickly!!  There is also a basketball hoops on the side, but he is just an inch or two too short to really enjoy it yet.

September 19, 2011

Birthday happiness

Good morning!

I had a really great weekend!  Maybe even a good enough weekend to carry me through this hectic, rainy Monday.

On Friday night my hubby and I went to Outback and then we went to go see the Lion King in 3D.  It was really good!  I didn’t realize that it was originally released in 1994!  So long ago!  I loved that movie when I was younger.  When we got home, I discovered the lovely flower and presents that hubby had set out for me.  Super thoughtful.  He is also one of those people who writes his own inscriptions in his cards, usually complete with a picture.  Please see below (and yes, that little bitty stick figure is the baby in my belly).  Too sweet.

Saturday held some much needed mommy/baby time.  I was trying my best to get out the door on time to make it to my prenatal massage, but Rickybear wasn’t having it.  I was filling up the tub to take a bath and he threw a monster tantrum to get in, so my relaxing soak turned into a bath for two.  That kid loves water.  Even after I got out and drained the water, he was still content to sit in there and play, even though I know he had to be cold. 

I got to the spa and it was kinda of awkward since I haven’t really done something like that before.  I wish I was a woman of leisure so I could do it all the time.  =)  From the big plush robes to the nice hot tub, the “relaxation room” with the wonderful waters and teas available, and the wonderful massage with the best smelling candles ever…. yeah, I could get used to that!  I did feel kinda of sick afterwards, but I guess that was the toxins leaving my body.  An hour later, I felt much better and my skin was so soft.  Love!  Then my parents and my hubby met me at Superior Grill for dinner.  When I was a teen/early 20s, I used to go there every year for my birthday with as many friends as I could fit at a table.  As much as I miss those days and those friendships, this is where I am meant to be in my life and I really enjoyed it.

Sunday brought another day of birthday celebrations.  My MIL had a gathering at her house for me and her other son (my BIL) who had a birthday on Saturday.  She went all out with the cooking.  I am really fortunate that we have so much family nearby that really cares for us.  I know that taking care of us and doing nice things for us brings her a lot of joy and I can’t express my appreciation enough.  She did try to set the house on fire, though, with all the candles on our cakes!  She had one for her son and one for me, and she put a candle for every year old we were.  I didn’t actually count them, but it was enough to make me cringe.  =)  I am in my late-20s now…. when did that happen?!?!

Thank you to everyone who made my birthday so very special!

September 17, 2011

Lazy Saturday morning

Today has not exactly been a productive day, but at least it’s been enjoyable.  Rickybear let me sleep until 7am, then I made us both some breakfast.  We woke daddy up at 8am since he had to go bowling and run some errands (hint: my birthday is tomorrow).  Once daddy was out the door I looked around at the messy kitchen and the linens that needed to be washed, but decided all that could wait.  Ricky had dragged the jogging stroller (um, yeah, love the stroller but I have not ONCE jogged while using it) out of the guest room and into the living room, so I took that as a cue to get my tush in gear and go for a walk.
I haven’t walked this week like I did last week.  I did go once at work and then of course this morning.  I got hot, but Ricky was having a great time.  I had packed Scout and a book for him to play with, but now that he can finally reach the horn and steering wheel on the stroller, he mainly played with that.  Once we got home, I decided it was too nice of a morning to head inside already, so I gated us into the back yard and let him have at it while I sat in the shade on the back patio and typed this blog.  =)
Wrapped the morning up with a turn on the swing under the carport and then put the baby down for a nap.   I guess it’s time for me to get to work, now.
One last note, Ricky’s new word for the week is “hot”!

September 16, 2011

Pregnancy Update- 27 Weeks

I know I am totally late posting this week’s pregnancy update, but at this point, there isn’t too much to update.

This week the baby is a cauliflower.  Ew.

Everyone is saying that I am going to be having a girl.  Maybe that’s wishful thinking on their parts because most people seem to think the ideal situation would be to have one of each.  I don’t know about that.  I wanted a girl during my first pregnancy.  I wanted to have a relationship with my daughter like the one I have with my mom.  Also, I figured that if I had a girl and she decided to have children, that she would be more likely to let me have a bigger role in their lives.  I hope that if my son has kids that my daughter in law likes me!!   No matter….

Now that I have a boy, I kind of want another boy.  I want him to have a playmate to be rough & tumble with.  A partner in crime, if you will.  Someone to play sports with out back.  I would say we already have tons of boy clothes, but this baby will be born in completely opposite seasons from the last.  I know what to do with a boy!  And I have heard that boys are “easier” to raise than girls.  All I know is I love having a little boy.  And as independent as he may be, he still needs his mommy when he is sick or falls and bumps something.

But a girl would be neat to have too….

(I know I said I didn’t have much to update… but I guess I do…)

I made my goal of walking three times last week, even if it was 20 mins each time.  I haven’t really done much walking this week.  I am feeling super lazy and it feels like such a big chore!!  I even got the baby all piled into the stroller and made it about 10 steps out of the driveway before turning around and coming back inside.  Rickybear was none too pleased about that.

My blood sugar has been pretty good, except for the reading I just took (148!!) because I had McDonald’s for lunch and went overboard.  I should have given my husband the rest of my fries, but they were salty and DELICIOUS!  I am going out to dinner with my hubby tonight for my birthday (which is Sunday!!), but I already went online and found out the nutrition information for what I want to eat at Outback.  If I skip the Aussie Fries and have a dinner salad instead, I should be in the clear!  We are also going to the movies, even though there is not much out that I care to see and nothing plays at a convenient time.  There is not much else this preggo feels like doing right now in my current state.

I did buy myself a birthday present, though.  I am going to a local spa on Saturday for a prenatal massage!!  A whole hour of husband-free, baby-free BLISS!  I got one last pregnancy, but the lady was more into reflexology than anything and didn’t have much experience with prenatal services, even though she was certified in it.  I either needed a massage or a visit to the chiropractor because I felt like I had a pinched muscle in my right lower back.  It’s felt better throughout the week, but I still think I deserve a massage as a reward for growing this baby.  Next Friday, I will use a Groupon I purchased to get 55% off a manicure/pedicure, which I haven’t had in at least 2 years.  I am thrilled for that, too!

Little baby is moving a lot this week, which is great because I get paranoid when I don’t feel it every few hours.

We have another appointment on Tuesday for blood work, another try at the anatomy ultrasound, and a regular OB checkup, so I am super excited about that!

Have a good weekend!!

September 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

A day in the life...



Bird watching




September 9, 2011

Thanks, mom!

What do I see on his sweet little face?!  PURE JOY! 
It almost makes me tear up.
Thanks for sending me the pic today, mom.
In case you are confused- he is on a swing at the park.

Things are going well this week.  I haven't been able to spend a whole lot of time with my little bear due to having a late night hair appointment on Wednesday and then working my usual late night on Thursday, but I am looking forward to a fun weekend with him.  I hope the nice weather holds out so we can go on lots of walks and explore all over the backyard.

I have discovered that baby #2 creates an excellent prop to support baby # 1 on, lol.  My lil man is getting heavier by the day (or so it seems!), so my tummy is just now big enough to prop Ricky on so he doesn't keep sliding down my side when I hold him.  Weird, I know, but I take my victories when I can get them.

Happy Friday!

September 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Little man gets WILD before bed... but as you can see, he did brush his teeth.

September 6, 2011

Pregnancy Update- 26 Weeks

This week the baby is the size of a hothouse cucumber.  A what?  Yeah, I had to google it.  It’s just a slightly longer version of a regular cucumber, but has fewer seeds.  Who knew pregnancy would introduce me to so many new vegetables??

I am feeling tired, but I think that’s because Rickybear has been having teething issues again.  For the past two nights, he has woken up screaming at 1am and then was up for 2 hours crying just a few short hours later.

Still lots and lots of movement in there.

No weight gain.  I have also been watching my carbs a lot closer this week, except for the Wendy’s combo I just ate…  But it was so good!  And I sat in the park with the windows down to enjoy it, so it was worth it, right??  I appreciate the cooler weather that the tropical storm has brought us for a few days.  I am looking forward to some slightly cooler weather in general.

I have made a goal for this week to get up early 3 days and take a walk.  My sister apparently takes like a 5 mile walk every morning.  Yeah, I would die if I had to do that right now, but it’s still inspiring.  I mean, I can make it once around the neighborhood, can’t I???

I think that’s it for now… have a good week!

September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day!  My family of 3 is enjoying the long weekend.

I went out this morning to get us some breakfast.  Just because there is a holiday does not mean that my child wants to sleep in.  I have enjoyed getting to spend 3 whole days with him, even if we are stuck indoors due to the tropical storm.    Presently, I am spending some alone time on the couch watching tv while Rickybear plays with Scout in the crib.  He really should be ready for a nap right about now!  He didn't sleep well again... I am assuming because of teething.  He was a little warm all day yesterday.  Uh oh, now he is yelling for daddy...  =)

I love how he dances back and forth now whenever music plays.  He will bring me a toy over and over so I can start the music for him.  He will rock back and forth with the biggest grin on his face. 

He has started to say a few new things.... what I think is "good morning" and "baby".  My parents swear he has said "red" but I haven't heard it yet, although it does seem to be his new favorite color. 

I have to check the trash cans at least once a day.  He has gotten so good at putting things up in his toy box that he also like to put things in the garbage cans for us.  This week I have found 2 sippy cups and a stuffed duck. 

Well, I guess he isn't going down for a nap so I probably need to go get him.  Take care!

September 1, 2011

Wordless Wednes.... um, Thursday

Busy boy.  Ricky and Scout were mopping and putting up the clean dishes, but he got tired and had to stop and eat a cookie.